We may be moving into another Green period, big surprise. Dominica Green—I’m not sure why it’s so difficult to find a
good dupe of this color. It’s awesome, great for any season (it is, right?),
and it’s so crazy that while you may not feel like you can wear it, anyone can
wear it!
I have seen a few non-US brands that have looked very close
though. DG was actually the first I came across.
What surprised me is how wicked it looked—it’s shocking and
startling and has that sort clear shimmer (maybe glass fleck), but very fine.
Also, it’s super sheer and has a bit of a jelliness to the finish—this was 3-4
coats. Make sure you have some time on (or off!!) your hands for this one, it
seemed to take forever to dry. It lasted for at least five stressful days during finals though, so it had a big payoff.
Dominica Green. Natural light through the window. |
Dominica Green. Natural light through the window. |
Dominica Green. Natural light through the window. |