Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pastel Party!

There's something about pastels--I just can't get enough of them, despite the fact that they always do me wrong. They are too eye-catching to resist. Even the pastel cremes with proclaimed “ease of application” often fit into one or more of these unpleasant categories: thick, gummy, stringy, they pull or are streaky. 
Most of the following pastels presented some problems, some got better with practice, some didn't. The only one I absolutely COULD NOT work with was Lime Crime Pastelchio (a sort of pastel yet neon green, such a cool color!). It was like painting with melted chewed gum. 
My Lifesaver was the easiest of the bunch and the best tip I could relay about pastels would be to let each coat dry in between layers. These pictures suck, so here's a bunch.
Nicole by OPI My Lifesaver. Artificial Light. (index finger looks fat!)

Nicole by OPI My Lifesaver. Artificial Light.

Pastelchio, Up and Kim-ing Pink, Milky Ways (Index has horrible Orly Repair on it!!)

Milky Ways, Pastelchio. Natural Light.

Milky Ways, Pastelchio. Bottles, natural Light.


  1. Ooooh I love Milky Ways! Have you seen the new Sinful Colors pastel collection? I bought a couple & they apply pretty well.

  2. YES! And also noooooooooo! But I mean, yes because at least I won't be breaking my bank buying a whole bunch more pastels. I read somewhere that Milky Ways is sort of a dupe of Illamasqua Load and then I Ciate LA Confidential yesterday and that looks similar too. Going to look at Sinfuls now :)
