Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Yours Truly

All the way from the Land Down Undah, Lilypad Lacquer presents True Blood, a deep (blood) red/burgundy/wine/sometimes plummy looking holographic polish. I had been envisioning a polish like this for months when I finally saw this sparkly gem and realized I'd have to order it from Australia, nbd. Also now available on Llarowe. 

Sometime I realized that what I may have been looking for was a dupe for EP's Vampire's Dessert, which this definitely isn't. It's much bluer, where Vampire's is browner. This polish is 100% beautiful in it's own right and I may even like it more!
True Blood. Natural Light.
True Blood. Natural Light.

True Blood. Natural Light.

True Blood. Natural Light.

True Blood bottle. Natural Light.


  1. This is SO gorgeous! This kind of color looks especially great on your new nail shape!

  2. Tee hee...thank you so much...I have to say actually it's strange, and that's quite a psychic thing to say, as since I have acquired the new "shape" I have been gravitating toward these colors. Do you find that when you have a certain shape or length you change your tastes?

  3. Maybe the shape also reflects your mood? I've always had the same shape, so I can't relate lol. I do change colors/finishes when I have a shorter or longer length though.

  4. Oooh, good thought. It might reflect my mood O.o but I also change color as I change length :) some colors imo don't look as nice on shorter nails, but some colors I'm finding look really crappy on long nails, haha!
