@bout m3

This is Helly Bell, the true love of my life <3

I'm a girl without a hometown living in a big city somewhere in the US. I prefer a quiet life, but I moved to the city for school. Since I graduated I'm saddled with some loans and am a little stuck. However, I have surrounded myself with things that I love and you have stumbled upon one of them. I may love polish, yes...but it might also be an addiction ;)

I would say no two polish addicts are alike--some are hoarders, some compulsive buyers, and all other myriad types of addicts. I'm not a hoarder, but I'm definitely a magpie polish buyer--the shiny bottles, shimmer, glitter, bright colors--anything to add a little bright to a day that could need brightening or to celebrate a day that is already full of sparkle. 

I can recount my nail polish obsession back to grade school when Revlon Streetwear and Jane nail polishes were at Target stores, because hey, that's where a ten year old went to spend her $7 allowance. I remember when the "Clueless" line of polishes came out (I had purple and a magenta which may or may not have had glass fleck).

I may not have the best and most beautiful hands, nails, or cuticles (hence the name LacqRebel [Lacquer Rebel], I thought about calling it Crappy Nails/Boy Hands but I thought rebelling against conventional nail beauty might be more positive), but I consider myself seriously fortunate to have been able to acquire the beautiful little bottles of paints that I have and also to have enough time to devote large portions of days to said bottles. I mean...way. too. much. time...and money O.o But what is love without sacrifice ;)

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